The Four Humours
Sexus Maleficarum
masc | mask | masque
UNICORN vs MEDUSA @ Darling's Attic
Can you see my Grief?
Vocação Para a Ruína [Vocation To Ruin], Prova de Estudo [Proof of Study]
P R A S I N O Seeking Green
Porn The Theory - Fantasy The Practice // by Stewart Home & Itziar Bilbao Urrutia
Spring Candy, A Dress Rehearsal
Screening: Oedipus Wrecks: Sex, Violence & Incest… by Stewart Home
Eaux d'Artifice
A Moveable Feast
Pining for Pearls
Sophia's Safehouse in an Uncanny Valley - Finissage
Sophia's Safehouse in an Uncanny Valley
Siri-ous Psychodrame
R.I.P. A.S.P.T.D.
A Safe Place To Detonate
Topologies of an Ad Hoc Future